Our Solutions

We offer Fractional CFO and A La Carte Services

We engage with our partners on a project (ad-hoc), monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual basis


High functioning companies lock in annual budgets that ensure alignment with operational goals and strategy. We create your annual budget that is ambitious yet realistic, driving optimal performance from your operation.


As the fiscal year plays out, real-world events cause revenue and expenses to deviate from the planned budget. With your company’s recent periods of historical financials in hand, we can help forecast the remainder of the fiscal year and/or several periods into the future based on current and predicted trends.

Professional Financial Templates

We produce templates that clean-up the presentation of your financials (P&L/Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Statement of Cash Flows)

Data Organization

Do you have data on many different places such as documents, excel spreadsheets, google docs, etc? We can help you get organized and consolidate data that should be grouped together to remove friction and increase ease of use.

Dashboards & Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Tracking

We create dashboards and KPI tracking tools that give you the ability to monitor performance, change behavior and drive incremental, continuous improvements. There are different types of dashboards and KPI trackers, which will help you address your specific business challenges and overall goals, and stay in control of your business at all times.


Sales Funnel Analysis – We evaluate how your sales cycle is functioning. This will allow us to develop a plan of how to remove friction points, speed up the sales cycle, and WIN deals.  Also, we can redesign your funnel to function more efficiently.

Sales Capacity Modeling – We analyze your sales data to see how sales personnel are performing vs. budgeted capacity. We identify weak spots and craft a plan to take corrective action.

Potential Investments

We evaluate an investment opportunity using different methodologies including NPV, IRR, and comparison vs. similar investments

Company Valuation

We evaluate the valuation of an entity using a discounted cash flows and financial multiples based on comparative companies’ methodologies.

Strategic Partnership/Joint Venture Analysis

We evaluate potential strategic opportunities that are presented to your business. Does partnering with another company make sense for your business?  How should the deal be structured to maximize its benefit to your company?

Pro Forma Financial Statements (start-ups)

We have decades of experience working with start-ups. We translate your vision into financial statements to add credibility to your pitch and increase the probability of a successful outcome.