Our Clients



“Silicon Valley BIS’s Budgeting vs. Actual process quickly allowed us to identify where we were spending poorly, allowing us to recoup $15k annually.”

Construction, Austin, TX

“I was impressed how quickly the SVBIS team was able to understand our business, break down our sales funnel and improve our overall conversion by 17%, resulting in $100k in incremental revenue.”

SEO, San Francisco, CA

“We were deciding between investing in 3 different properties with unique profiles. The SVBIS team’s analysis allowed us to confidently choose the property that met our investment objectives. That kind of piece of mind is priceless.”

Real Estate Investor, Los Gatos, CA

“SVBIS created a robust budget for our company that pushed and disciplined us to have the most profitable year in our company’s history. Beating our previous best by over 15%.”

Self Storage, Fresno, CA

“Silicon Valley Business Intelligence Solutions’ team put together reasonable pro formas that helped us raise capital. Once we launched, they helped us put together a sales strategy that pushed our small sales team to over achieve. We will be coming back to them for all our needs as we grow.”

Cannabis Growing Entity, Everett, WA

“In hind sight I was managing my business blind! The dashboarding SVBIS created for us has truly allowed me to have visibility in my day to day operation.”

Mineral Mining, Carson City, NV

“We had a big meeting set with a firm from Sandhill Road (VC Firm). We were really behind the 8 ball with our pitch deck. SVBIS stepped in and totally revamped our deck and put together thoughtful pro formas. The big takeaway is that we were able to successfully secure funding that day.”

Under Cover Tech Company, Redwood City, CA

“SVBIS changed our business forever. They created dashboards that our teams review on a daily basis. I literally can feel the pulse of my business which keeps our techs accountable for their throughput, monitors our inventory, and so much more. This initiative easily added over $200k to our bottom line in 2017. They made us feel like a high-tech company!”

Bike Repair Shop, San Diego, CA

“The SVBIS team created a forecast that allowed us to get back on track after a terrible first quarter of 2017. We grew our bottom line by more than 30% vs. the 2nd half of last year. It really was quite a turnaround.”

Legal Services, Seattle, CA

We are a high-performing dental office but we were having a hard time managing our inventory. The SVBIS team was able to build us dashboards to have a firm grasp on our daily inventory which NOW provides us with ample lead time to order our supplies.

Dentist Office, Beverly Hills, CA